Even if we possessed a crystal ball, never in a million years would we have thought that we might be writing a letter to you as the Directors of the ROSE PERCY PROJECT. We were initially introduced to Rose in the early 1990s at an American Red Cross Museum display that was staged in Washington D.C. That first meeting was an unforgettable experience, and through the years, when going though our copy of The Collectors Book of Doll Clothing by the Colemans, we would always pause and admire the photos of Rose Percy and on occasion, if time permitted, would read the two-page inventory that listed her worldly positions. Daydreaming typically ensued, and we would wonder aloud what it might be like to handle Rose’s things inside and out, and to try them all on the remarkable Rose. Today, all these years later, we can report that we have reveled in the delight of doing just that.
Through this worthwhile project, it seems like every day that we learn some new bit of history about Rose, and we uncover exciting details of her life and times from her days at the Metropolitan Sanitary Fair. Considering the fact that Rose was hard at work for our boys “over there” in World War I, and her outstanding work as the mascot for the Junior Red Cross, to her latest pledge to help our veterans of today, we are more than willing to give of our time. Just imagine if we can help Rose help the many small organizations that have experienced a hard time making ends meet. From food pantries, to toy drives and the forgotten organization that works hard for the preservation of Civil War artifacts, if called upon, Rose will be there to help the country she has served for over 150 years. Rose Percy has thus far lived her life by the motto “I SERVE”.
It is now our distinct honor as the Directors of the Rose Percy project to serve both Rose, and her mission.
Michael Canadas and David Robinson
Michael Canadas and David Robinson are well known in the world of antique dolls, having founded their Carmel Doll Shop in 1989. Since that time, the shop has been a destination for collectors of fine dolls, dollhouses, toys, clothing and all things relating to childhood past. Michael and David are among the founding members of the Carmel Doll and Toy Study Group, a United Federation of Doll Clubs charter. Through that affiliation, the two have given countless presentations for the UFDC through the years, and have helped stage special exhibits at UFDC conventions. Deserving special mention is the French fashion doll exhibit that was presented at the Toy and Miniature Museum of Kansas City, for which Michael and David were awarded the UFDC Award of Excellence in 2005.
The two edited the 2006 edition of the UFDC’s souvenir journal, Tell Me a Story, for the attendees of the 57th national convention, and they have also researched and written many feature articles for the acclaimed Antique Doll Collector magazine.
Most recently Michael and David have served as editors for the UFDC publication DOLL NEWS for which they received their second Award of Excellence from the United Federation of Doll Clubs. Over the years, they have consulted with museums and private collectors all over the world, sharing their expertise, and they bring much experience in protection, preservation and promotion to the Rose Percy project. |